Impact of Dams on Wildlife

A few examples of publications studying the effects of dams and river fragmentation on wildlife.

2009 Waldman Dramatic DeclineNAtlanticDiadromousFish.pdf
2022 Sethi Salmon habitat fragmentation.pdf
2022 Abbott UMass ImpactDamRemoval DO.pdf
2021 Su Biodiversity.pdf
2021 Smialek Atlantic Salmon Threats.pdf
USACE 2020 Final_206FID_RoyalRiver.pdf
2020 Blanchet CausesConsequencesManagement of.pdf
2020 Barbarossa Impacts of dams freshwater fish.pdf
2019 Grill Nature-MapWorldFreeRivers.pdf
2015 Fuller CauseConseqHabitatFragRivers.pdf
2007 Gustafson Pacific Salmon Threat.pdf
2001 Bednarek REVIEW UndammingRivers.pdf